
10/13/2012 1
A popular model in Japan commonly known as Kayo Satoh greeting has confessed on TV that he was a man. He moved from his hometown and then living as a woman with a new name no other reason is because he does not want anyone to recognize him. Kayo claims she had plastic surgery. He said that in addition he has a natural beauty, she is also skilled in matters of makeup.

Here is the result of the transformation of men into women
such a thing is very ironic nature of a person against God and were thankful that God has created him as a man.

fake woman
beautifull woman that a man
beautifull woman that a man
 Be yourself because God made each of us unique and has its own advantages and disadvantages


10/13/2012 0
piracy download

Japanese authorities seem serious action to combat piracy or illegal downloading. This is evidenced by issuing regulations that can make the illegal downloaders think twice to perform an action.

According to the Recording Industry Association of Japan and the IFPI, the Japanese authorities to make specific amendments governing the Copyright Law. It is intended to provide a sense of wary and afraid of the illegal downloaders are more rampant in the country of the Rising Sun.

In the rules, anyone who acts as an uploader material without permission will be subject to a fine of JPY 10 million (USD 12,300) and imprisonment penalties for 10 years in prison.

In contrast to the uploader, the downloaders official content illegally will be subject to fine of EUR 2 million (USD 25 680) or a fine of confinement for 2 years in prison.

Not only that, the Japanese authorities also say they have found a way to track where the uploaders or downloaders directly. So we can say there is no safe place anymore for the downloader illegal in Japan.

Indeed, both the problem of piracy of music, software or other things on the internet to study in many countries. In Indonesia, many people especially the musicians who also complained of widespread action. Although the legislation has made ​​IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), but the action is still frequently encountered downloads.

Perhaps it can be reduced if both governments, the copyright owner and the public are able to understand what the copyright rules are made and support and mutual synergies to combat piracy and illegal downloading.

It all comes back to the individual self. If all understand and support these regulations that the Internet ecosystem will be 'healthy.'


10/13/2012 0
stay healthy

The pattern of life now that the eyes of many overused without causing stress to the eyes we often realize. You realize the number of people who wear glasses from year to year with the drastic increase? It is better to prevent than to have to treat the eye. Here are some tips to keep our eyes in order to always stay healthy.Check the eye every 12 monthsUntreated vision problems will grow worse, you should avoid wearing contact lenses or glasses are no longer suitable for you because it can cause vision problems and headaches.Nutrition for the EyesRecent studies show that vitamin (Health Food) and the antioxidant group can prevent, or at least slow the growth of cataracts and macular degeneration. Good nutrition for the body is also good for the eyes you can get Cheap Pharmacy.Use enough lightWorking with low light can cause eyestrain, but light that is too bright nor good. Direction of light works best when using a computer is of soft light table lamp from the side. Reduce the light level (brightness) monitor. The color is so not too sharp, but the eyes will be more comfortable.Rest your eyesAlmost all people feel their eyes become uncomfortable after sitting all day in front of a computer screen. This is due to eye blink 25% less than normal, causing dry eyes so. One thing you can do is close your eyes and count to 5 before opening it again. Another was turned away from the screen and focus on a distant object. Do this for a few minutes every 30 minutes.Use the filter monitor.To reduce glare and radiation emitted by the monitor, use the monitor glass filter. Talk to your computer equipment vendor to get a good filter and capable mengurangipengaruh radiation, not just dim light of the monitor.


10/02/2012 0
Traditional Ways To Cure Diseases Warts

How to remove warts with traditional medicinal herb itself is only with a little whiting and a dab of dish washing soap (not detergent) wrote up the brand because I do not want to promote the product. While the treatment is fairly simple steps as follows:

     Take a few whiting and a dab of soap with a ratio of 1:1 as needed (eg, one cup measuring cup whiting and a dab of soap anyway.
     Stir both mixes potions we had it flat warts and do not get too dry.
     Clean the surface of the skin (especially the location where the wart is located) using warm water (lukewarm).
     Apply traditional medicine warts we was on the wart (note: on the wart) not to the herb spread to other skin surfaces will cause skin irritation if too sensitive.
     Repeat the treatment regularly until the complaints and symptoms of warts disappear completely from your skin.

As long as the drug is given wart style whiting and a dab of soap, warts it will feel very itchy so necessary sincerity resist the itch to throw away the warts had (unless you still love warts).

Thanks wart remedy made ​​from whiting and a dab of soap before, thank God my corns are now gone and a deterrent to return again, and do not cause scars like a great friend of mine who used vinegar and hard water unimaginable pangs.

Good luck and eliminate warts loyal to your best friend during this time, and hopefully it will soon be healed like what I experienced without the pain and costs to remove warts.

May be useful ...


9/26/2012 0
tips to shrink stomach
How to shrink the stomach is divided into 7 ways, such as:
1. Consumption of fiber right
tips to shrink stomach
Fiber is an important element in the diet, but to compensate for water retention that causes bubbles, eat fiber in fruits such as apples and pears with a lot of water content.

2. Eat slowly
tips to shrink stomach
Avoid eating quickly, because when you swallow too quickly, at least the air suspended in the intestine and form a gas that can lead to abdominal distention. Always sit down when eating and chew food slowly. The food is not chewed into small parts can not be digested properly which in turn produce more gas bubbles rise.

3. Supervise treatment
tips to shrink stomach
Expanding belly is the side effects of drug consumption. Aspirin sometimes causes problems that lead to constipation and abdominal distension, including the contraceptive pill.

4. Avoid constipation
tips to shrink stomach
Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week or if the tension involved. As a result of adding a large stomach. To stimulate the bowels, increase consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables, do it gradually to avoid fermentation and excessive gas production.

5. Reducing salt intake
Tips To Shrink Stomach
Too much salt in your diet add extra sodium to the body fluids that slow mechanism to encourage water out of the cell. As a result the stomach feel full and bloated.

6. sport
Tips To Shrink Stomach
Exercise is one way to be taken to get rid of the belly fat. Exercise will help move the fluid in the abdomen that can cause major stomach by pushing it out of the tissue and enter the blood stream where it will dilkeluarkan as sweat or brought into the bile and expelled as urine. Recommended sports include aerobics.

7. drinking water
Tips To Shrink Stomach
If abdominal fullness caused by water retention, you can actually reduce the problem by drinking more water. This will dilute the concentration of sodium in the body thereby increasing the amount of water coming out of the system. Drinking more water also ensures effective biliary function to remove waste products. Do not change water consumption during the diet because many materials that are difficult to digest and can cause stomach distension.
That to-7 how to shrink belly fat in women can you practice for yourself. Hopefully these tips would be to bring the benefits to you, the end of the word I want to say good luck.


9/26/2012 0
learning to make key chain from flannel fabrics
Wedding Souvenir Giving a wedding reception it has become an important part few people did not even willing to take the time just to give souvenir their wedding unique and useful for their wedding guests. For those of you who want to find a unique wedding souvenir maybe you better make yourself a wedding gift from the dizziness and are looking for him. It is a bit inconvenient especially if we make a wedding gift in the scale of thousands. However, to make wedding favors can be experience pleasure for you and your partner. Although in the end you decide to create their own wedding souvenir but still need the items you should buy as base material, and the material to make a wedding gift depends on what kind of model you want to shape.

Here are tips to make wedding souvenirs such as key chains keropi of Flannel fabric you can make your own:
The first step, create a whole shape of the pattern on the paper and scissors.
The second step, the pattern and the model we have created is Scissors flannel next to the pattern that was made in the paper.
The third step, Attach the eyes and make the mouth shapes in flannel keropi form. To be able to use glue their eyes shoot. To make the mouth using a skewer pierced trail.
The fourth step. Starting combines both form keropi flannel sheets, sewing around it by using stick feston. But Save some parts to include dacron then after entering dacron finish by sewing using a skewer feston.
The fifth step. In area it slip rope to tie key chain.
The sixth step. Flannel scissors with rounded shapes to paste on the cheek. What if you used to make souvenir can make in making your wedding as a side business. Good luck


9/26/2012 0
cure toothache
Overcoming traditional toothache cure is certainly an endeavor that cost is minimal and of course also the risk was minimal if done correctly. Toothache, anyone would be sad if one day suffer. The advent can sometimes suddenly, especially if the pain persist for days. Eat and sleep seemed uncomfortable. Withstand tremendous pain. And I'm sure most of you will be embracing the expression "better than toothache pain" he he ... Before I discuss the traditional recipe to overcome a toothache, it is worthwhile to discuss in advance about what causes toothache? By knowing what causes it then we will be more vigilant and take proper care to prevent it. In general there are 4 things that cause tooth pain, namely:

1. Dental Caries Caries is the collective name for tooth decay in enamel, cementum, and dentin (the substance in the middle between the crown and roots). Cavities usually caused by certain bacteria for producing lactic acid from fermented carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose. So do not forget to brush your teeth regularly 2 times a day I'll not be a nest of bacteria that cause cavities. If tooth decay already then it should be treated immediately patched to the doctor to let me not get worse and cause recurrent toothache.

2. Loose teeth Many of the causes why teeth become loose, such as gum disease (gingivitis, periodontics), collision accidents, and others that cause tooth pain while chewing food. If the pain is because of this that should get immediate care dentist. Your doctor will know better how the solution will be taken after the first check either directly or based on x-ray.

3. Erosion of gums If your gums erode over time will expose the roots to become sensitive to food / beverage hot, cold and acid. There are several things that can cause it such as brushing your teeth too hard or because you suffer from gum disease. If the cause because the toothbrush that you use are too harsh or abusive manner you rub the toothbrush should be replaced with a soft bristled brush and change the way of brushing your teeth softer. If the cause is due to gum disease, you should immediately receive dental care.

4. Root canal infection Infected root canal can be very painful with pain that spreads to other areas of the face and skull. Root canal infection can make the dead tooth should be removed. Maintaining your dead tooth means you have to bear the risk of recurrent toothache and also the risk of subsequent infection that can trigger a variety of other diseases such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatism, diabetes and even abnormalities in the brain. cope with toothache

 Overview illustrated overcome toothache

If one day you're do not have time or do not yet have cost to go to the dentist when suffering from a toothache, maybe some of these traditional medicines could be a temporary remedy to relieve your toothache pain. Still, the best solution is to immediately see a doctor. Traditional medication following tooth can only relieve or cure a toothache temporarily not cure it permanently.
1. Clove oil The trick is to apply clove oil to the tooth cavities because it has the benefit of clove oil antiseptic to kill germs.
2. Garlic Prepare a clove of garlic and then puree with a little salt, and stick it on the sore spot.
3. Avocado Prepare the avocado seeds then blend until smooth and sprinkle on the area of ​​pain.
4. Shallots Prepare onion then blend it and then stick it on the sore tooth.
5. Green chillies Way, take the green chili peppers and heat the tip on fire, after a rather hot and then cut off the end and stick it on the sore tooth.
Articles tips to overcome traditional toothache I discussed this course will further open your insight about how to prevent, causes, and how to overcome any risks involved if we do not immediately take proper care of the teeth is problematic


9/24/2012 0
blog visitors
In the world of online business the most important thing is the number of visitors to increase traffic website or blog. How to increase our web traffic, one way is to attract visitors who come on the web or blog by:
1. Appreciate Your Blog Visitors - Be humble - * Use polite language - Do not ever brag
2. Give More - Write the content is really useful - Make your blog design "different" among other blogs - Give the referral link that takes visitors to your blog - Give "link love" to every comment on your blog - Give the free e-book
 3. Be a Good Friend - Try as much as possible to reply to comments on your blog - Assist visitors to your blog if you have any questions - Be a "Contact" your blog visitors MyBlogLog - Leave a personal message on the social media visitors to your blog
4. This is the secret: Call name - Write the name of your blog visitors to comment - Write the name correctly 5. Visit Your New Friend - Try to visit the blog to comment on your blog - Give positive comments - Visit the periodic Hopefully useful.


9/24/2012 0
healthy life
Most of the employees are forced to sit for long hours at the office. Do you know what is the danger? Sit for 8-10 hours a day can lead to serious health problems. Curious? Here are five health problems caused by the habit of sitting for hours:
1. backache Sitting for hours can cause pain in the back. This is usually caused by problems with muscle strength.
2. interfere with the metabolism Some recent research suggests that sitting for long hours can disturb the body's metabolic system. As a result, the body's good cholesterol levels decreased, causing a variety of health problems.
3. diabetes Sitting too long causes a decrease in insulin sensitivity, particularly in women. Women who sit for long hours more at risk of developing diabetes than men.
4. neck pain Sit upright for long hours can also cause neck pain. These complaints can be caused by inflammation of the spinal joints.
5. premature death Recent studies prove that the longer you sit, the faster you die. In addition, the habit of sitting for too long can increase the amount of bad cholesterol and good cholesterol weaken. This can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or blockage of blood vessels in the heart. If you are forced to sit long in the office, occasionally try to walk or get out of the room. Drink plenty of water and do regular exercise.


9/22/2012 0
Desire to pee is definitely hard to guess when it will appear. At an important meeting, in certain places that do not allow it to go to the bathroom, you might suddenly dying for a pee. So, how do I fix this?
stop urinating 
  1.  Close urethral Most people will do this automatically when suddenly dying for a pee. All you need to do is tighten the muscles around the urethra and tried to close it tightly as possible. 
  2. Change the position of your body The position of the body can help you tighten the muscles around the bladder. Do not press the bottom of your stomach. This will only add pressure on the urethra.
  3.  Cross your legs while standing Do not cross your legs when sitting. Doing this will only make the pain and possible loss of control of the bladder. Opening wide feet can actually make you hold your pee longer. Conversely, if you are in a standing position, cross your legs do not open too wide DNA.
  4.  Sit upright but relaxed Do not bend. Lift your upper body, and sit up straight. Arched back will only put pressure on the bladder, as well as the abdominal stretch. Do not lean forward. Pull the front of your pelvis upward. Although strapping, make sure you stay relaxed and do not add stress to the body.
  5.  Keep warm If possible, make yourself stay warm. You can use a blanket, turn on the heater or sitting with friends. Cold temperatures will make your body more like pee.
  6.  Do not move too much Avoid shocks, vibration, or sudden movements. Move slowly and naturally. Movement or sudden shocks that could make shock bladder and secrete urine which had been trying to keep.
  7.  Too much liquid Do not drink too much when trying to urinate. Try not to drink but to avoid dehydration or when you are really thirsty.
  8.  Divert attention Divert your attention from the mind to hold pee on other things. Know that your bladder will not suddenly explode. The body has a reflex to prevent serious injury to the bladder.
  9.  Do not think to spend a little would help Do not think that will help him out a little bit. It's impossible. When you give up and pull out small amounts of urine, the bladder will not stop.
  10.  Do not laugh or think of something funny Laughter can cause your muscles to contract. This will make the bladder more depressed. You will get to pee. That's 10 ways to hold pee. Remember, the above means only if you're not allowed to pee on the spot. Do not get used to hold pee when in fact you could use the bathroom. Hold pee habits can cause diseases such as bladder stones and more.